Jan. 9th: To the basement gym with Trayen for biceps, shoulders, abs and wall squats. Have you ever tried to wall squats with a 90 pound doberman leaning on you? He always adds a new twist on my workouts. Then we were out the door for a brisk 8.0 miler. Despite this being the 8th day in a row of running, the effort was a strong one and the legs felt great.
Jan. 10th: Off to work before daylight and then flying all day. A day off from running was in order.
Jan. 11th: Waking up in Spokane, a favorite layover, it was a pleasant 8.0 miler along the river. The good news is that I was able to discover the trail continues for several miles north of my usual turnaround point so it was easy to get a nice out n back run in.
Jan. 12th: In Washington DC today and even though a beautiful day outside, it was to the hotel gym. In order was a workout of chest, triceps and abs; a sloppy effort with a healthy dose of fatigue built in! This used to be a favorite layover, but since we stay in downtown DC and getting to the trail along the Potomac River is almost impossible, I opt to hit the treadmill and elliptical. This mornings effort was 6 miles on the ellip and then 6 miles on the recumbent bike. I use a 3 to 1 ratio when on a bike....3 miles on the bike equals 1 mile of running. So the running total was 8.0 miles today. (Can't remember where I came up with the 3 to 1 ratio, but it seems logical enough and the bike allows for a brief period of cross training and something new for the head and legs. )
Jan. 13th: Still a favorite layover, the short San Fran is always a welcome part of the schedule. Staying at the Westin along the Bayfront Trail is a nice run to the south, ending in the Coyote Point, a beautiful park encased in Eucalyptus trees. Even with not much sleep and the end of a 4 day trip, it was a nice effort of 8 miles. The shorts and t shirt weather may have had something to do with the easy, carefree run.
Bayfront Trail near SFO Airport.
Jan. 14: It's the first day back from a 4 day trip with a few country crossings. What more can I say....the run was blah! However, 12 miles was in order and that is what we did....it was a slow go, but Traysen dragged ole Mom up the hills and through the woods. Git 'er done!!!
Jan. 15: After watching the NFL playoff game with the NE Patroits and the Denver Donkeys til the 2nd touchdown by the Patroits (which all happened in the first 8 minutes of the game!), it was to bed early on Saturday night. Good thing because Sunday was a long run day and then a long day.
Met with running buddy, Lori, for a wonderful 10 miler in Red Rocks, Bear Creek Park and then back out for an easy 6 miler, going solo. Lori is a great running inspiration. She has a nice steady pace and never gives up on an uphill!!!! Of course, she and I look a bit funny running together....she goes "plomppp, plomppppp" while Sarah goes "plod, plod, plod,plod, plod, plod"....We differ in height by several inches!
Yes, this is what we run!
We also run this mundane type of trail. Very beautiful area for exploring, whether running or leisurely stroll.
Summary: A good week of running, especially in light of a solid work week. The training is going well and the 100K race in April is still looming in the plans. One aspect of running ultras is the unknown. Sometimes we are not sure of ourselves or our abilities to run a given distance or a given time, but as the training continues, the confidence builds. It's all about pushing yourself beyond your comfort level and realizing YOU can do what is "out there." Personally, pushing the mileage up this fast in an effort to get ready for the farthest distance I have ever run is definitely going beyond the comfort level. However, I have the confidence that my body and head can handle it.
Total for the week: 60.5 miles
Total for 2012: 122.0
Beautiful photos, Sarah. Why didn't you stop to take any when I was running with you?! You are an inspiration, Sarah, and very encouraging. Thanks for being patient with me, and setting a great running example.-Lori