The last week of the year is here and with that it is time to wrap up the mileage totals. As mentioned, a goal of 2900 miles for the year has been set and honestly, the specific number just came to mind when I realized the mileage of this year was going to exceed the mileage of last year; 2784.0 an all time high in one year. Analyzing the time frame of when I crossed the 2784 mile, the goal of 3000 miles for the year was just too much given work, winter, and other commitments. So, 2900 it is! This will be the most mileage I have ever run in one year. Will there be a goal of 3000 miles in one year? Only time will tell.
So, starting this week there are 38 miles to go to complete the mission.
Monday; Dec. 26th: A short night in Cincinnati and then one very long leg to Seattle produced a lazy bum today. Plus it was time for a day off. A very relaxing afternoon in the rainy northwest was a much welcome relief.
Tuesday; Dec. 27th: UP n at 'em early in Seattle. To the treadmill for a nice 8 miler, some abs and a some wall squats. Then a full day of flying and ending the night in Salt Lake. Nothing special about this effort; just some nice miles at 9:00/ mile pace with some hill repeats. Those wall squats are kicking my butt!!! Literally!
Wednesday; Dec. 28th: Given a fairly early start to the work day, it was off to the treadmill at the La Quinta in Salt Lake. While not a favorite location (meaning the treadmill at this particular hotel), the cramped room does allow the window to be opened to allow the cold outside air in. Most likely hotel management would not understand my efforts to heat the outside of the Salt Lake basin?!
A nice 8 miler was the order of the day while listening to AC/DC, Tone Loc, Motley Crue and even a George Winston or two!
Thursday; Dec. 29th: Here we go with the first day back from 6 days of being on the road. Lazin' around til 645am, Traysen and I made it out for a slog fest of 7 miles. Great to be back in the hills and altitude of home.
Friday; Dec. 30th: Well, you would think almost 12 hours of sleep would produce a nice run, but unfortunately, it was a bit of a slog fest. Just slow to get going and never really picked up speed! It was an 8 miler with Traysen and the course is set to accomplish the 2900 mile goal.
Saturday; Dec. 31st: Here it is ....the goal of 2900 miles is looming and it is time to git 'er done! With a commute to LAX today, it was out the door very early, in the dark, at 540am. After much prodding, Traysen the doberman reluctantly plodded along for the 7 miles. And a wonderful run it was; cool, dark, slowly becoming daylight, and no other creatures except me and Traysen.
Sunday; Jan. 1, 2012: What seemed to be an easy trip on paper turned into a bit of work! Getting to Denver slightly late on the 31st, waiting on a crew van, etc at the airport and a long drive to downtown, it was a very late night. Crawled into bed only to be shattered back to life with the hotel fire alarm! In the 24 year airline pilot career, this was a first! Luckily, it was a false alarm except for the drunken idiot who pulled the handle and woke the entire neighborhood up!!!! (Yep, I'll remain a lady and not voice my real thoughts of the drunken idiot!!!)
Nevertheless, after some sleep, it was down to the hotel gym to start the year right. A weight lifting session of biceps, shoulders, abs, and wall squats was a solid start and then a nice 8 miler on the treadmill. Hill repeats were the order of the day: 6 x .25 mile at 3% incline at 6.6mph pace.
Summary: Well, it happened...the 2900 miles for 2011 is complete and the body is healthy and ready for more miles. A return to focused training has come to mind and the start of a new year is a perfect time to renew the training. More on that later.
Weekly Total: 45.0 miles
Yearly total for 2011: 2901.0
Yearly Total for 2012: 8.0
Congratulations, Sarah! You are one strong chicky-san and I love reading about your exploits, on the run and on the road. Thanks for the entertainment and motivation.-Lori