Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome to gon4run!

Hello Ya'll,
Ya'll...that's southern for everyone.
Welcome to my newly created blog. At the suggestion of a few running buddies, it was decided  that 2011 was best started by sharing my running ventures with the world. Having been completely inspired by a couple of other running blogs: and, this is a chance to hopefully inspire others in the name of running and maybe in the process, provide a few laughs! Another inspiration has been the Colorado Springs Women's Running Group, started by Dee Cooper. The Yahoo group has several members who provide each other with support, advice and sometimes much needed "ribbing." Many of us have been lucky enough to get together to  run countless miles of training and some challenging races.
If I understand all of this blogging correctly, you all ...or rather, Ya'll....can read my profile and see where this whole running thing got started. Hopefully over the next twelve months I can share many of my running adventures and inspire folks to see their own running in a new view.
An addition to giving inspiration to others, critics often say that one way to hold yourself accountable to a previous commitment is to make that commitment known to others. Well, it is also a goal of 2011 for my running to improve. Even at the ripe old age of 45, I truly believe that a runner can improve within the context of his/her given age. Now, I have no problem with getting out for a run, six days a week and I have no problem putting in many miles, 2779 miles in 2010. My training has been lackluster in terms of quality ......which equates to, even though enjoyable, lackluster running. My performance in the few yearly races  usually doesn't measure up to my expectations in regards to the mileage I have done in training.  Oh yes, somewhere about January (now) I make big plans for hill training and interval training...and then there is the "I need a treadmill" around late February.  (no treadmill in the home gym  yet) Somehow, around late March, with the snow melting, the temps climbing, I am out there for another dose of wonderul long slow distance...and thus, the hills and intervals get tossed in the ditch.  So, with this blog, I thee vow to continue with my dedicated training and not slog my way through another year of slow running. I vow to be a bit quicker at the end of 2011 and do so without getting injured or overly obsessive about it! Wish me luck!
Please feel free to leave comments and give me "swift kicks in the behind" when I slack off and blow lame excuses. Share your running ventures and explore where the passion can take you.

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