Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan. 1 to Jan. 9

The training log spans from Monday to Sunday each week. So as to start with the beginning of the year, this week will incorporate Saturday, Jan. 1st and Sunday, Jan. 2 as well.

Saturday; Jan. 1: It's always good to start the new year with a run (verses a forced day off.) No exception this year; although my morning outing was really an "inning: event. Being in Salt Lake with it's very icy roads (after a good snowfall on Friday), I was relegated to the treadmill and ellipitcal. Most folks despise these devices; however, I find them a welcome change if given in limited doses. These efforts give my body the break from the pounding of running and allow me to focus on leg turnover, knee lifts, and a brainless repetitive motion where I can get lost in thought and music.
 The first 5.5 miles was completed on the ellipitical; a hill adventure at a level 3-5. All the while listening to some Cherry Pie (rap), Cyndi Lauper (pop?), Chris Young, Lady A (country), and some Keith Urban (pop/country). The next 4.5 miles, I swtiched over to the treadmill where the hill workout of 5 repeats of 3-5% grade at 5.5 MPH was an excellent wrap up to the run. The music choice here changed to AC/DC, Motely Crue, Led Zeppelin, and Too Live Crew. Without tunes, these indoor efforts would be a bit more boring that I can handle and my run would end up being quite sloppy.

Sunday; Jan 2: This outdoor effort in Jackson Hole, WY more than made up for being confined to the great indoors of Saturday. Arriving mid day in a moderate snow storm, I put on as many layers as I had in my overnight bag and out the door. It was a balmy 5 degrees and still snowing. A quick mile through the icy streets of town brought me to the National Elk Refuse.
The Elk Refuge Road runs along the southeast border of the refuge and extends for many miles. Along the way to completing this 8.5 mile out n back, I watched huge herds of elk, a few dall sheep and quite a few tourists all cooped up in their too warm cars. Yep, they gawked at the weird form of wildlife, on two legs, dressed in fleece, and sporting a wide grin despite a frozen chin. This was one of the memorable runs that floated along and was characterized by the wildlife and a beautiful snowy afternoon.

Monday; Jan. 3: An off day. Left Jackson Hole early and worked all day. The above pic is from the cockpit and is an early morning view of the Tetons.

Tuesday; Jan. 4: Being the first day after a trip, today was an easy day of 6 miles of plain ole running. It was great to get outside in the clear air and pound some hard packed snow at home. This is a typical day after flying for several days. I am usually tired, jet lagged, cranky, bloated, and have very little pep in the step; plus, the flying usually keeps somewhere between sea level and 1500' MSL and my house is at 8500'MSL, so there is some sucking wind going on!

Wednesday; Jan. 5: A cool 10 degrees with a good north wind greeted the morning today. After 45 minutes of weight lifting it was out the door by not quite daylight for a hard 10 miler. With a mile or so warmup, the next 7.5 miles were at a nice marathon type pace, with a good steady pace on the up hills (many of those near my house.)  On the return, a brief stop to chat with a neighbor caused me to actually look at my watch and realize I could  make it back to the house in under 2 hours. That last 1.5 miles was fairly challenging since lately, 10 miles has been the long run and the energy level was starting to wane. Nevertheless, at the end of the driveway, the watch read 1:59! This was a good effort with the cold temps and the return to the high altitude effects. In the last few days there had been a slight twinge in the right hip, so hopefully it is one of those aches that if I give it a few days, it will go away. I often find this is the case with many "small twinges." Given a day or two and continued movement (running,etc), the ache goes away and does not become a full blown injury. Personally, I find that not moving that portion of the body that is aching is worse than actually working through it.

Thursday; Jan. 6: Off to Palm Springs, CA today. A nice and easy 8 miler, tooling around the hills, green grasses, and gated neighborhoods of southern CA. Although a bit warm for this Colorado mountain girl, wearing shorts and tshirt in the early part of Januray can't be all bad!

Friday; Jan. 7: In Palm Springs, CA to watch my doberman, Traysen, in a dog show. He is going for his third champion title.  An amazingly beautiful morning started the day and a nice, steady uphill 9 mile  run was in order. The start from the hotel kept me on concrete for just a bit and then it was pavement until venturing into a ritzy neighborhood that had a sandy trail. The run consisted of 4.5 miles of non stop uphill and then the ensuing graceful downhill back to the hotel. I was also able to easily push the pace the entire distance and even accomplished three half mile pickups and a couple of quick quarter mile pickups. I must say that Palm Springs is very beautiful with its green grass/desert backdrop/golf course settings  and ritzy neighborhoods!

Saturday; Jan. 8: Another wonderful 8 miler in 40 degree temps in Palm Springs. Up the same hill with a continuation into yet another ritzy setting. I purposefully kept the pace slower on this outing..which allowed a visit with humming birds, huge cactus of several types, and many flower beds of petunias....yes! petunias in January! That is something we Colorado folks don't see! With the travels of work, I am often very blessed in the fact that my running allows me to experience sights/sounds that cannot be found in a normal stationary working life. Many times it is the anticipation of what awaits the eyes and ears that provides the inspiration for the daily run. .

Sunday; Jan. 9: With blizzard conditions in Salt Lake, it was a morning for the ellipitical. A non descript effort  of 6 miles to basically get the job done and wrap up the week. Musical tunes once again make the miles go by rather quickly and I always tell myself I can survive most anything for an hour or so.

The first 9 days of 2011 have started out well. One day was a good hill workout, even though it was on the treadmill and one day was a good effort of 1/2 and 1/4 mile fartlek/pickups. Also, the runs on Saturday and Sunday in Palm Springs went well at a better than slow effort. The legs, energy, and confidence levels were all strong throughout the week.
I have often been asked, "what is your motivation for running?" A complex answer to say the least but in a nutshell, this is the scoop: Basically, running is part of my every day; part of me as well as part of my life. I find great joy in just getting the body to move for a long period of time, while usually seeing/hearing the great outdoors. Even  on the days on the treadmill, the movement and resulting dose of endorphins create a sense of calm not found by any other means. Also, the running allows the cobwebs, troubles, thoughts to clear in the head. I often find that if some issue is occupying the thoughts, an outing of running will put things in perspective ..or at least allow me to see the situation more logically. I suppose one last and always wonderful side effect of running is that it make these size 4 jeans fit very well at the ripe old age of 45. Olympic swimmer, Dara Torres, wrote Age Is Just A Number after her return to the Games at the age of 41. Her account and words of wisdom reflect many of my own thoughts toward age and continuing to run high mileage and to remain young at heart and young in the body. Getting the workouts in and keeping a tight diet all starts between the ears and that is also part of the motivation in that it keeps the brain working as well as the body.

total for the week: 47 miles
total for 2011: 65.5 miles

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, great blog. I enjoy reading about your runs and thoughts when you aren't in town to share the trail. Keep your camera handy, and keep 'em coming, someone IS reading and enjoying them.-Lori
