Monday; Jan. 24: Today was an easy effort of 5 miles, quite a bit short, but the legs were very tired as was the rest of the mind and body. An early weight lifting session of back, shoulders and abs went fairly well. I find it frustrating sometimes when my head wants to run a long distance or a faster run, but the body and mental fortitude need an easy effort. Today was that kind of day. Visions of a nice 10 miler were there while weight lifting; however, once out the door, the body just wasn't up to the task.
Tuesday; Jan. 25: A howling wind and a cool 20 degrees made for a chilly start to a great 10 miler. The focus of this run was to run strong on all the uphills (10 hills total of various distances) and to run the entire 10 without stopping. Well, the first goal was easily accomplished, but the second was sent astray with a coffee pit stop. (I really shouldn't drink 3 cups before running!) A good effort all around.
Luckily after so many years of running, I try not to get too wrapped up over a run that does not go well. The last two days are proof that if one day proves to be a "sloppy" outing, then most likely the next day (or sometimes the even the third day) will be an excellent run.
Wednesday; Jan. 26: An early doc appointment forced a skipped run this morning; however, as I was buzzing out the door with Traysen, I grabbed our running gear. Good thing too, because we had an awesome 7 miler in Garden of the Gods. These afternoon runs are not my cup of tea. The excuses can range from too hot, too late, too tired, too much to do besides running, etc. but as is usual, once out the door, the run almost always goes better than expected. In fact, some great outings have occurred with an afternoon start. There was one such run in Milwaukee that started about 2pm; it was 430pm and a beautiful 14 miles later that I returned to the hotel. The lake, the sun, the old neighborhoods made the run an enjoyable outing and the miles just whizzed by with very little effort on my part. Today's journey was especially good since we covered the miles on trails and both Traysen and I had plenty of pep in our step. He is getting better at the trail running and so far, has not sent me face first into the dirt.
Thursday; Jan. 27: A scheduled off day due to work. Sometimes I treasure these off days but other times, I would rather keep the momentum going. As the saying goes, our bodies get stronger with the rest between workouts, but being a nonstop, over achiever, addictive person, rest is not my best activity.
Friday; Jan. 28: Being in downtown St. Paul, MN and with an early morning start for work, it was a day on the treadmill. The old gym at the Crowne Plaza resembles a large closet with old equipment that is too scrunched together, but at least it is better than nothing and better than slogging through the 3 feet of icy, crunchy, slippery, snow on the ground! (I do love running in the snow, but this goop in Minneapolis has been rained on, plowed on, slopped on and is basically not very worthy of running. ) Nevertheless, the treadmill yielded a good effort of a 5 mile warm up at about 6.5 mph pace and then 2 miles of sprints. The sprints ranged in distances of .3 to .5 mile with a .2 rest; then repeat until it was time to head to the shower and work. I labeled these sprints verses a tempo run since the pace was quite a bit quicker than a basic tempo run; at least that is how the lungs and legs were interpreting the effort!
A typical winter day in the Twin Cities! Gray and white is the only color to speak of!
Saturday; Jan. 29: After a full day of work and the commute home, today was a 6 mile slog fest. The normal routine after a few days of work. Seems that regardless of the number of days of work, the first day home is always a slow/lethargic day. It was good to get out with Traysen and see our "squirrels" that look like deer....although we did see a real squirrel....It was almost spring like with temps in the upper 30s and clear blue skies.
Sunday; Jan. 30: Woooo was an awesome outing!!!! Andrea and Steve, RDs for the Cheyenne Mtn 25k/50K, were hosting a run on the course in an effort to get feedback from experienced runners. A bit of a late start for this early bird, but it was worth the wait until 845am., as it was a shorts and light weight fleece on top. About 10-13 of us shuffled off on what turned out to be a very twisting, but not too hilly or technical (by Rocky Mtn standards) 15 miles of pure bliss. The first 5 mile loop sent us mostly up into a scrub oak type of trail with a bit of packed snow and ice but mostly solid dirt and rocks. Upon passing the parking lot (and dumping an assortment of clothes...thanks Andrea), it was onto the 10 mile loop which gently climbed up into the beautiful forest areas, complete with many twisting turns and some undulating relief from the climb. A mostly dry trail with brief sections of packed snow and ice. I opted to knock off about a two mile section on the far side of the course and headed back towards the parking lot where I was feeling way too good and took off on another twisting route, again with plenty of rocks and hills! A great morning of running with some like minded running psychos! 15 miles total in 3:10.
The race course! 25k per lap.....almost enough twists to make a girl dizzy!!
Cheyenne Mtn.
Summary: This week was good in terms of running; however, the weight lifting was not up to par with only one session! While living in Alaska in the late 90s, I used to lift weights 4 days a week! Now, it seems that if I get two days in, I am doing good. Not sure if the reduced effort is due to time constraints, age, living at 8500', or some other combination of excuses! Nevertheless, I will remain committed to keep trying since the benefits far outweigh the negative effects of letting the muscles go unused.
This was a good week of running..the first 50 mile effort since last fall. With the 15 miler under the feet, the motivation is strong to press on with the miles and with a commitment to run the Cheyenne 50k in late April. Even with slog fests (such as the one on Saturday), the motivation is always there to get back out the next day since almost without a doubt, the outing (such as the 15 miler on Sunday) will redeem the overall running mania. I find one of the movtivations to keep running is not just in the daily mental and physical benefits, but in the resolve to never give in to what is most likely a bad day or even a bad week. The running continues without getting too wrapped up in one bad event.
Good commentary about motivation, something that seems to wane this time of year. I am trying to commit to cross-training, but the outdoors calls loudly and I must go!