With life lately, with a full week of flying, and with a need to cut back on the miles, this week of running will be quite reduced. As we all know, sometimes you just need to cut back and take a mental and physical break from the high mileage.
The wildfires in CO have not affected the big log house, but many friends have been displaced from their homes while a few others have lost homes. Prayers and thoughts being sent to all those affected.
Monday; June 25th: A one day trip and back home to a still very sick Katie, the dachshund. I seriously had to come to terms with the fact that she was ready to leave us and even Jim (who is very close to the little weiner dog) was coming to realize we should let her go. This is the hard part of animal ownership. It is often up to us to make the decision that their lives are complete. Running was not an option today, so a day off.
Tuesday; June 26th: Needing some stress relief, it was a quick 6 miler and then off to check on Katie who was staying at Grandmas. Oddly enough that little dog was acting much like her old self, complete with a bad attitude! She was still having issues with the rear left leg but her system was regulating itself and she was getting around much better. A visit to her vet revealed much improvement on all issues and it appears the little snotty attitude, diabetic, blind, spider bitten, snaggle tooth, immune disorder, stinky breath dog is going to be around awhile longer! So, a good day for us all.
The day was ended with a track workout with the running group. A 1.5 mile warmup was followed by 200, 800, and 1 mile intervals. A total of 3.0 miles. Then a quick trip to the airport to pick up Jim who was very happy to see his Katie doing well.
Wednesday; June 27th: A busy day ahead yielded a 7 miler before the heat set in for the day.
Thursday; June 28th: After a warm 6 miler with Traysen it was to the gym with Jim. Following his workout we started with legs. OUCH! It's been awhile since these ole bones have done full fledged leg presses! Being the stud muffin he is, Jim then pushed us through shoulders and while he finished a fourth exercise there, I opted to hit abs pretty hard.
Friday; June 29th: OMG!!! I can't walk! The legs have aches we never knew existed! Why did I ever stop doing legs that intensely? But still, 8 miles was on the agenda and off we went like a herd of turtles! Traysen kept looking at Mom and asking, "what is your problem today, Slow Poke?" I told him to shut up and trot. And then!!! Back to the gym for bicep, triceps and abs again! Luckily, these areas of ole Mom here are quite used to hard weight lifting and they were able to keep up with the Stud Muffin.
Saturday; June 30th: Waking up in Missoula, MT at 935am (very late night of work), the day was calling for a leisurely 10 miler along the Clark Fork River and up into the Hell's Gate trails near the Univ. of MT. While climbing up Hell's Gate I came across the fella in the pic below. As I approached, he scampered off into the weeds and was never seen again. Also sighted was the beautiful symbol in the sky, also pictured below. Despite a warm temp of about 80, it was a nice run and the cooler than 100 degree temps of Atlanta were much appreciated. A cool dip in the river made the post run all the better.
Luckily, this fella was not interested in getting too close.
Very beautiful example of the nation's symbol.
Sunday; July 1: An early departure followed by a 2pm arrival in 107 degree temps in Atlanta yielded a day off. This was to be an easy week and so taking an extra day off was par for the course.
Summary: As we all know, life can sometimes deal us one challenge after another. Often these challenges can range from the simple (such as dealing with a sloppy run) to the overwhelmingly emotional (such as dealing with a very sick dog). During these times we may question the meaning of all the series of frustrations/challenges/obstacles but yet we always make it through and keep hoping for simpler times. We also know that sometimes it is only through persistence and patience that we accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves. In some cases the goals are just not obtainable while in other cases we know we can reach the goal but we question just how long it is going to take and how we are going to make ourselves pursue the effort and find the patience. Well folks.....this week it seems as though the continual series of challenges that have been occuring since I moved to Atlanta has finally diminished. Katie the dog is doing very well, the renovation of the duplex is almost complete, the air conditioning in the old Dodge truck is hanging in there in the 100 degree temps, and the personal life is settling down. AND....as many of you who read this blog know one of the reasons I moved to Atlanta was in a hope of being promoted to an instructor job with Delta. (different and better paying than the instructor job I hold now). Well folks....the patience and persistence paid off!!!! The call came on Wednesday and on September I will be the newest Seniority List Instructor at Delta Airlines. Not only will I be the newest but from sources have told me, I will be the only girl in the Good Ole Boys Club!!! They finally let a girl in!!!!
So, just when you think your life has reached it's limits on challenges and you can no longer take anymore, have no fear....the Good Lord knows when you have had enough and will ease the struggle. At this point the families in Colorado who have lost their homes to the fire come to mind. The challenges are only beginning for them; it is not as simple as rebuilding a structure. They will now have to endure months (or longer) of healing, dealing with insurance claims, realizing lost treasures, and yes, rebuilding a home.
Also when we think that our efforts are no longer worth the goal, that is just when the goal is often obtained. We runners often spend months training for a particular race and sometimes wonder if the goal of finishing in a certain time is worth the effort and sacrifice spent. But then in the end, we achieve the goal and know all the training paid off.
The moral of the story is this: Regardless of your situation, regardless of how difficult the goal, hang in there because most often the challenges will subside and the goals will be obtained.
Total miles for the week: 40.0
Total miles for 2012: 1479.0
Good thoughts, Sarah. Glad Katie is better; even when you are prepared for the end, it isn't easy. Glad SOMEONE could get out on trails this week! Lynne and I had to contend with urban trails, but with the right mindset (I GET to go see some firefighters!) even that can be enjoyable.