Here we go with another high mileage week...well, considering this is the "off" season, 60 miles is high mileage! Work and studying for the upcoming training will put challenges into the running time, but persistence and a commitment to git 'er done will make the miles happen!
Monday; July 17: Time for a day off.
Tuesday; July 18: Started the day with a nice 8.5 miler with Traysen. Being a Tuesday, the afternoon track session was scheduled; however, Mother Nature decided to present several thunderstorms complete with plenty of lightening, thunder and rain. So, no extra miles today.
Wednesday; July 19: Traysen made it out for the first 7 miles and then wandered back to his pillow. Mom here took off for another 4 miles through the woods, over the hills and in the mud! A weight lifting session of abs, back and chest was also included.
Thursday; July 20: With an early morning departure, running was an afternoon event. The delayed track session was scheduled at 6pm and somehow, someway, the ole bones made it. Despite the 90+ heat, it was a decent effort of 1.5 mile warm up; then a few intervals, followed by a 2.5 mile cool down. A total of 6 miles.
Friday; July 21: Out the door for a nice 12 miler and then off to work.
Saturday; July 22: With a very late arrival from work, the lazy girl here slept in.....til 745am!!!! Unfortunately, not being the quickly moving spring chicken, I missed the 8am run with the running club. After chores, dogs, etc, I finally just went to the gym and jumped on the elliptical for an 8 miler. Sometimes you just have find a way, mentally and physically, to the job done. With heat, humidity, fatigue, timing, pressure to get to studying, the elliptical was the way to go today.
Sunday; July 23: After a good night's sleep, Traysen and I buzzed out the door for the start of a long run. He lasted the usual hour or so and then wandered back to his pillow and Mom took off for another couple of hours. At the end, 18 miles had been covered, with minimal effort and an equally nice recovery.
Summary: A good week of combining running and work. Weight lifting was down but that happens as the work volume increases.
Question: Where do you find your inspiration? Many of us have internal inspiration. Personal health..mental and physical...keep us exercising. A pure love of the sport...(running, biking, swimming, team sports) often inspires others to continue their efforts. But what about external inspiration? What/who inspires you to exercise? Personally, here are some of my own inspirations:
*Mental health....cheaper and better than a therapist
*Physical health...size 4 jeans! and a 42bmp resting heart rate
*Bob and Nora....who introduced me to running many years ago and continue to lead a healthy lifestyle
*Lori, Lynne, Dee...who combine work, family and running and do all with much grace
*Bridget ...who continues to run despite health issues
*Running heroes...Tony Krupicka, Matt Carpentar, both of whom are running icons
*And lately some new inspirations have come to light: living in the southeast in the heat/humidity of summer, I have realized that folks here just keep going despite the outdoor conditions. Everyday there are numerous runners/walkers/bikers all over the Peachtree City trails at all hours of the day! There are people training for fall marathons...Bob, Don, and Warren...all determined to train hard and improve. Then there are all those kids at the Summer Track Series...Kerry, the 8 year old who runs the 800, 400 and the mile! And Megan who runs a 7 minute mile and she is only 10 years old! Not forgetting my little buddy with the pigtails who kicks my butt in the relay!
All of these folks inspire this ole girl to get her sorry butt out the door and just run ...never mind the heat and humidity....just go git 'er done!!!!
So...what inspires you?
Total miles for the week: 63.0
Total miles for 2012: 1662.0
People who CAN'T do what we do ispire me. Not people who WON'T... but because of health issues, priority obligations or whatever. Thanks for keepin' it real, Sarah.