Monday; May 28: Memorial Day reminds us of our freedoms and allows us to appreciate those who have served. As a pilot there have been times when we have carried a fallen soldier in the cargo hold of our aircraft. Never a pleasant experience and always a reminder to pay tribute to those who gave all of themselves.
As for running: it was a day off.
Tuesday; May 29: Up and at 'em early today with a kickoff of Lois' Muscle Challenge class at 515am. She really kicked my butt today! OUCH! Maybe it was just being tired..maybe it was too hot...maybe Lois slept well and was in rare form....OR maybe she just kicked my little butt!!!! Nevertheless, after class Traysen and I took off for a nice 10 miler. Bet Lois went and ate donuts! NOT!
Wednesday; May 30: Back to the gym for an early session of abs, shoulders and triceps. It has been awesome doing different routines in the gym. Finally getting back into the swing of weight lifting with some vigor instead of just going through the motions. Amazing how just changing the routines gives new inspiration. A brief 7.5 miler rounded out the day.
Thursday; May 31: A basic 8..5 miler.
Friday; June 1: The alarm sent me and the dogs spinning at 4am....well, we all fumbled downstairs anyway and made our way to coffee! Then off to the gym for abs, legs, and biceps! Traysen then pulled Mom through a 9 miler before I flew out to meet Jim to celebrate his parents 50th wedding anniversary. WOW! That is a long time with one person! How does she do it?
Saturday; June 2: After a decent night of sleep, Jim joined me for a late morning run. I thought he would tag along at my plodder pace for about 3 miles or so but before he knew it we had gone about 9 miles!! With lots of catching up to do, the miles and time passed quickly as we yapped and formulated plans. Then it was off to spend the day with the family. An awesome day in Branson, MO with the highlight being a riverboat dinner cruise.
The Branson Belle.
Sunday; June 3: Waking up after a late night out, I managed to squeeze in about 5 miles before lightening and an oncoming storm forced the day to be done. Weather is usually not an issue with running....rain, snow, sleet, wind, cold, not too much heat, but lightening is where this ole girl draws the line. Running in hail is not an option either. Some folks find it difficult to run in the various forms of weather other than bright sunshine. Honestly, it is a mindset we have to get into to run in weather other than clear blue skies. Often times it is a matter of the right clothing and the right time of day. Personally, I draw the line at an oncoming thunderstorm with lightening and potential hail.
Summary: A great week of running with three weight lifting sessions. All systems are working well and life is good!
Total: 50.0
Total for 2012: 1313.0
Good for you, Sarah, keep on rockin'. Wish I could enjoy pushing weights. Classes (and folks like Lois) certainly inspire us to work our best.