Whewwww...working way too much lately but it is actually not stressful at all!!! Not commuting changes everything! A quick drive to the airport and I am at work!!! Still several renovation items to be done on the duplex in Peachtree City so the checkbook needs a boost!
Monday; June 11: An early wakeup in Missoula yielded a day off.
Tuesday; June 12: Out the door early with Traysen for a nice 8 miler. With a track workout this evening we took the morning easy.
Running part 2: Arriving at the track in time for a 1.0 mile warmup, then a 800, 1 mile, 400, and a finish of a 5k run on the track!!! UGGHHHH....The first three intervals went well despite the very warm afternoon while the 5k was more of a mental challenge than physical. One of the ladies I have been running with (she is quite new to the sport) asked if I was going to do the 5k run. After explaining it was more of a mental push than a physical push, she indicated she understood but yet looked at me as if all of the marbles had fallen completely out of the head!!! If she only knew the real truth!!! The 5k run did go well with a finish in the exact time that was predicted.
Wednesday; June 13: To the gym quite early for abs, back, and biceps... Traysen then joined for a nice 7.0 miler. Unfortunately, about a mile from the finish, the ole body went WHAM! onto the pavement! Oh no, no trail with rocks and tree roots needed...just good solid pavement works just as well for a digger! Not much damage but I would rather avoid a repeat!
Thursday; June 14: Being a very warm morning and just not into it, we took it easy again for a 6.5 miler. It can be frustrating sometimes when your schedule allows for a longer run but yet your body just isn't into it. Today was just that kind of a day. When this happens, we have take what we get and know better days are around the corner...most likely on a day when you can only squeeze in a few miles!
Friday; June 15: Today was a great outing of 12 miles with Traysen. Running in Peachtree City is awesome on so many levels. One key ingredient is that I can walk out the door, hit the trail within two minutes and go in many directions. All runs are different and offer some hills, some dirt, and some golf cart dodging!
Saturday; June 16: Waking up in Boston to a beautiful day, the ole body wandered to the gym late morning for abs, chest, and shoulders. Then out the door for a run along the Charles River. Well, it was more like a slog fest, a "the body really does not want to do this," run. Somehow, someway, 10 miles was completed and in the process I was able to visit Boston Commons, the Public Garden and see many boats along the river. A very beautiful outing on a nice day.
Boston Common on a perfect Saturday.
Several inlets off of the main river boarder the 20 mile running/biking path.
Yuppyville...aka Cambridge, Mass. ....across the Charles River.
Sunday; June 17: Your basic 10.5 miler. Quick and done for the day.
Summary: A nice week of good miles and good weight lifting. Even as summer is heating up, the miles are coming along fairly easily with a few exceptions. Oddly enough, even living at a lower altitude and not commuting, a nap is on the schedule almost everyday. This is actually quite normal for the nutjobs of us who insist on high mileage. Many long distance runners squeeze in a daily nap to revive themselves. It is very beneficial to grab a few minutes of shuteye so that the remainder of the day is productive. So those of you who like the high mileage, turn the head off, close your eyes and rest a few!!
Miles for the week: 60.0
Miles for 2012: 1381.0
We know you are a few marbles short of a full bag! --Love ya!