An interesting week lies ahead as I came home to a very sick dog. Katie, one of the mini dachshunds, was bitten by a brown recluse spider AND developed diabetic ketoacidosis all at the same time!
Monday; June 18: After a long, restless night, it was a day off. Jim arrived in town and we were preparing to say our goodbyes to Miss Katie. She is really sick and not doing very well.
Tuesday; June 19: A quick 6 miler in the dark with Traysen and then off to the animal hospital. She is doing better....we think! Mean ole spider! No track workout this evening since we had to transport Katie from one vet to another late in the day.
Wednesday; June 20: Out the door quite early for a 10 miler and then Jim and I actually made it to the gym during the early afternoon. The weight lifting session was less than "wonderful" but it was good to get in there.
Katie is improving. The diabetes is somewhat stable but not glucose levels are still very high. The spider bite effects are very ugly....the poision has spread from the bite (on her little butt) all the way up her belly to under her front legs! Luckily, she is enjoying a nice cocktail of pain meds.
Thursday; June 21: A somewhat cool morning produced another nice 11 miler, partly solo and partly with Traysen. (he gave up at 6 miles). Then back to the gym for another odd ball weight lifting session. It is amazing the difference in how running first and then weight lifting changes the quality of the gym outing. Sometimes when lifting first, the run goes very well and sometimes it does not. But it seems that lately a run followed by weight lifting produces a blah weight lifting session. Who knew?
We did see a lady ??? in the gym that could kick both our little butts! OH MY! That is the interesting part of working out with the rest of society. You just never know what hangs out in the gyms! On the other hand, by seeing what others are doing, it opens our minds to try to new things so our routines and bodies do not stale.
Friday; June 22: Oddly enough Katie is coming home today. It has been a very expensive and emotional week but she is doing well enough to come home. Not sure what the whole day holds, Traysen and I opted for a run in the dark at 5am. A quick 7 miler and we were in the shower.
Saturday; June 23: This was a different 515am out the door! I walked 15 minutes to volunteer at the Peachtree City Marathon Relay! Usually volunteering at a race involves driving at least an hour! A quick setup for the race and then I was recruited to run one leg of Team 9, aka..Perfect Strangers. In a marathon relay there are four team members with each person running one 10K leg. Leg #3 was the assignment and according to several other Leg #3 folks, it was the hottest and hilliest (is that a word?) leg! Very nice! So, with about two hours til Leg #3, it was back to the house to walk and feed dogs. Once back at the race, the missing member of Team 9 had appeared and she was now going to run her own hot n hilly leg. Wooo Hooo....I was now free to go run in the shady trails of Peachtree City and only needed to return to help clean up after the race.
The race website for those that want to participate next year!
And with that, off I the 9am heat of a hot n humid June morning. A fairly decent 7 miler ensued and then back to the race to socialize and help clean up. Traysen even got in on the fun with visiting many admirers.
Sunday; June 24: As Traysen and I walked out the door at 545am, the hot n humid air blasted us right smack in the kisser! He looked as though wandering back to his bed would have been higher on his list than trotting through some portion of a 17 mile run! But off we went! First sticking to the lonely roads since it was still dark and then venturing onto the trails with some daylight. After the first hour, ole Traysen was done and did actually go back to bed while ole, not so smart Mom here grabbed the water bottle and took off again! Hoping to explore some new trails near Lake Kedron, the run took me north west for awhile and somewhere along the way a turn was missed and I ended up heading back south onto some known trails near the golf course. Not a big deal since there are still miles and miles of trail to explore. At about the 1:30 mark, one toe forgot to join the rest of the foot and the left elbow was one with the pavement while the right knee was one with the dirt! That is one danger of running along side the paved trails.....a digger usually means some road rash! After dusting the grime off, it was back to work for another 1:45. The day was heating up nicely and the water bottle was empited with about 25 minutes to run. Nevertheless, the distance was covered easily and another 17 miler is in the books!
Now a day in the air conditioning!
Summary: A good week of running despite the distraction of dealing with a sick dog who may not be with us much longer. As we all know, our running often is a stress reliever and when times get tough is when we need the running even more. Sometimes when the stressful event is also a time consuming event we lose sight of the need to get that exercise done for the day. But if we can find even 30 minutes to get out, we know it will help with the coping skills.
Total for the week: 58.0
Total for 2012: 1439.0; this is 130 fewer miles than last year at this time when I was training for Leadville 50 miler.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
June 11 to June 17
Whewwww...working way too much lately but it is actually not stressful at all!!! Not commuting changes everything! A quick drive to the airport and I am at work!!! Still several renovation items to be done on the duplex in Peachtree City so the checkbook needs a boost!
Monday; June 11: An early wakeup in Missoula yielded a day off.
Tuesday; June 12: Out the door early with Traysen for a nice 8 miler. With a track workout this evening we took the morning easy.
Running part 2: Arriving at the track in time for a 1.0 mile warmup, then a 800, 1 mile, 400, and a finish of a 5k run on the track!!! UGGHHHH....The first three intervals went well despite the very warm afternoon while the 5k was more of a mental challenge than physical. One of the ladies I have been running with (she is quite new to the sport) asked if I was going to do the 5k run. After explaining it was more of a mental push than a physical push, she indicated she understood but yet looked at me as if all of the marbles had fallen completely out of the head!!! If she only knew the real truth!!! The 5k run did go well with a finish in the exact time that was predicted.
Wednesday; June 13: To the gym quite early for abs, back, and biceps... Traysen then joined for a nice 7.0 miler. Unfortunately, about a mile from the finish, the ole body went WHAM! onto the pavement! Oh no, no trail with rocks and tree roots needed...just good solid pavement works just as well for a digger! Not much damage but I would rather avoid a repeat!
Thursday; June 14: Being a very warm morning and just not into it, we took it easy again for a 6.5 miler. It can be frustrating sometimes when your schedule allows for a longer run but yet your body just isn't into it. Today was just that kind of a day. When this happens, we have take what we get and know better days are around the corner...most likely on a day when you can only squeeze in a few miles!
Friday; June 15: Today was a great outing of 12 miles with Traysen. Running in Peachtree City is awesome on so many levels. One key ingredient is that I can walk out the door, hit the trail within two minutes and go in many directions. All runs are different and offer some hills, some dirt, and some golf cart dodging!
Saturday; June 16: Waking up in Boston to a beautiful day, the ole body wandered to the gym late morning for abs, chest, and shoulders. Then out the door for a run along the Charles River. Well, it was more like a slog fest, a "the body really does not want to do this," run. Somehow, someway, 10 miles was completed and in the process I was able to visit Boston Commons, the Public Garden and see many boats along the river. A very beautiful outing on a nice day.
Boston Common on a perfect Saturday.
Several inlets off of the main river boarder the 20 mile running/biking path.
Yuppyville...aka Cambridge, Mass. ....across the Charles River.
Sunday; June 17: Your basic 10.5 miler. Quick and done for the day.
Summary: A nice week of good miles and good weight lifting. Even as summer is heating up, the miles are coming along fairly easily with a few exceptions. Oddly enough, even living at a lower altitude and not commuting, a nap is on the schedule almost everyday. This is actually quite normal for the nutjobs of us who insist on high mileage. Many long distance runners squeeze in a daily nap to revive themselves. It is very beneficial to grab a few minutes of shuteye so that the remainder of the day is productive. So those of you who like the high mileage, turn the head off, close your eyes and rest a few!!
Miles for the week: 60.0
Miles for 2012: 1381.0
Saturday, June 16, 2012
June 4 to June 10
Work is in full swing this week with only two days off but yet without the commute, the running miles should happen easily enough.
Monday; June 4: Somehow it seems Monday's are a day off. For some folks, starting the week off with a day off can be a bit disconcerting, especially when one of the goals is to run 6 days for the week. The ability to keep the confidence in yourself comes from previous consistent running. With many weeks or years of running behind you, it is often just a mindset to know that even though Monday is a day off, you have the confidence in yourself that you will get your butt out there and get the job done the rest of the week.
Tuesday; June 5: After flying most of the early part of the day, it was an afternoon with the Peachtree City Running Club summer series track workouts. OUCH!!! It's been awhile since I have done any formal track work (earlier this year?) and with the heat/humidity of the southeast, this was to be a "set the bar" workout. The actual workout went well despite the heat...although many little kids kicked my butt!! A ladder style interval session produced a 400, 800, 400, a 1 mile and then a 2 mile workout. With a warm up and cool down, total miles was 6.5.
Wednesday; June 6: Somewhat of a short night, then out the door for a quick 10 miler before work. Did I mention that not flying to work is great!!!! Much more time to run and goof off!!!
Thursday; June 7: Ever have one of those days where the workouts are just sloppy despite the head being into it? One of those days where even the lightest weights in the gym are heavy and the run turns into more or less a walk? That was today. Very lethargic from the start. Traysen pulled Mom along for a sloppy 7.5 miler followed by a less than lively weight lifting session of abs, shoulders and triceps.
Friday; June 8: Finally a good nights sleep produced a great session in the gym with abs, chest and back on the agenda. This was followed by a nice 11 miler. Traysen actually made the whole distance without chasing too many "squirrels."
Saturday; June 9: Trying to meet up with some folks from the Peachtree City Running Club, Traysen and I headed out quite early since it was to be a 15 mile run. After the first 6 miles, the ole boy was done and opted to hang out in the air conditioning. Mom here took off again and met up with a group of ladies who were just starting out on their own 15 miler. Once we reached a split in the trail I veered right and made my way to the Stinky Trail. Honestly, it is not is actually quite beautiful, complete with some hills and plenty of tree roots to trip on. The run went well and it was good to get the miles completed.
It is interesting how well our bodies adapt. Even as the heat and humidity rise in the southeast, the body is handling the increased challenge. One thing has helped is that I have incorporated sugar free Powerade into runs that over 12 miles. The electrolytes are just what is needed in this heat and humidity...quite a bit different than Colorado.
Sunday; June 10: Waking up in one of my favorite places on earth: Missoula, MT. A steady downpour with a cool 50 degree temp made for a nice 8 miler along the Kim Williams trail. Needless to say that hot shower was most welcome.
Summary: A solid week of running and weight lifting. As has been mentioned, our bodies can adapt to new challenges and changes in our lives. It is often a matter of adjusting our mindset and realizing there are no excuses. It would be easy to reduce the mileage and quality training given the heat and humidity of the southeast, but on the other hand, facing the challenge and making a few changes in practice have allowed me to continue with some good mileage.
Total Miles: 57.0
Total Miles for 2012: 1370.0
Monday; June 4: Somehow it seems Monday's are a day off. For some folks, starting the week off with a day off can be a bit disconcerting, especially when one of the goals is to run 6 days for the week. The ability to keep the confidence in yourself comes from previous consistent running. With many weeks or years of running behind you, it is often just a mindset to know that even though Monday is a day off, you have the confidence in yourself that you will get your butt out there and get the job done the rest of the week.
Tuesday; June 5: After flying most of the early part of the day, it was an afternoon with the Peachtree City Running Club summer series track workouts. OUCH!!! It's been awhile since I have done any formal track work (earlier this year?) and with the heat/humidity of the southeast, this was to be a "set the bar" workout. The actual workout went well despite the heat...although many little kids kicked my butt!! A ladder style interval session produced a 400, 800, 400, a 1 mile and then a 2 mile workout. With a warm up and cool down, total miles was 6.5.
Wednesday; June 6: Somewhat of a short night, then out the door for a quick 10 miler before work. Did I mention that not flying to work is great!!!! Much more time to run and goof off!!!
Thursday; June 7: Ever have one of those days where the workouts are just sloppy despite the head being into it? One of those days where even the lightest weights in the gym are heavy and the run turns into more or less a walk? That was today. Very lethargic from the start. Traysen pulled Mom along for a sloppy 7.5 miler followed by a less than lively weight lifting session of abs, shoulders and triceps.
Friday; June 8: Finally a good nights sleep produced a great session in the gym with abs, chest and back on the agenda. This was followed by a nice 11 miler. Traysen actually made the whole distance without chasing too many "squirrels."
Saturday; June 9: Trying to meet up with some folks from the Peachtree City Running Club, Traysen and I headed out quite early since it was to be a 15 mile run. After the first 6 miles, the ole boy was done and opted to hang out in the air conditioning. Mom here took off again and met up with a group of ladies who were just starting out on their own 15 miler. Once we reached a split in the trail I veered right and made my way to the Stinky Trail. Honestly, it is not is actually quite beautiful, complete with some hills and plenty of tree roots to trip on. The run went well and it was good to get the miles completed.
It is interesting how well our bodies adapt. Even as the heat and humidity rise in the southeast, the body is handling the increased challenge. One thing has helped is that I have incorporated sugar free Powerade into runs that over 12 miles. The electrolytes are just what is needed in this heat and humidity...quite a bit different than Colorado.
Sunday; June 10: Waking up in one of my favorite places on earth: Missoula, MT. A steady downpour with a cool 50 degree temp made for a nice 8 miler along the Kim Williams trail. Needless to say that hot shower was most welcome.
Summary: A solid week of running and weight lifting. As has been mentioned, our bodies can adapt to new challenges and changes in our lives. It is often a matter of adjusting our mindset and realizing there are no excuses. It would be easy to reduce the mileage and quality training given the heat and humidity of the southeast, but on the other hand, facing the challenge and making a few changes in practice have allowed me to continue with some good mileage.
Total Miles: 57.0
Total Miles for 2012: 1370.0
Saturday, June 9, 2012
May 28 to June 3
Oh My!!! Where is the year going? It's June already. Walmart will have Christmas stuff out next week!!! With most of the week off from work, it should prove to be a great week of running and weight lifting.
Monday; May 28: Memorial Day reminds us of our freedoms and allows us to appreciate those who have served. As a pilot there have been times when we have carried a fallen soldier in the cargo hold of our aircraft. Never a pleasant experience and always a reminder to pay tribute to those who gave all of themselves.
As for running: it was a day off.
Tuesday; May 29: Up and at 'em early today with a kickoff of Lois' Muscle Challenge class at 515am. She really kicked my butt today! OUCH! Maybe it was just being tired..maybe it was too hot...maybe Lois slept well and was in rare form....OR maybe she just kicked my little butt!!!! Nevertheless, after class Traysen and I took off for a nice 10 miler. Bet Lois went and ate donuts! NOT!
Wednesday; May 30: Back to the gym for an early session of abs, shoulders and triceps. It has been awesome doing different routines in the gym. Finally getting back into the swing of weight lifting with some vigor instead of just going through the motions. Amazing how just changing the routines gives new inspiration. A brief 7.5 miler rounded out the day.
Thursday; May 31: A basic 8..5 miler.
Friday; June 1: The alarm sent me and the dogs spinning at 4am....well, we all fumbled downstairs anyway and made our way to coffee! Then off to the gym for abs, legs, and biceps! Traysen then pulled Mom through a 9 miler before I flew out to meet Jim to celebrate his parents 50th wedding anniversary. WOW! That is a long time with one person! How does she do it?
Saturday; June 2: After a decent night of sleep, Jim joined me for a late morning run. I thought he would tag along at my plodder pace for about 3 miles or so but before he knew it we had gone about 9 miles!! With lots of catching up to do, the miles and time passed quickly as we yapped and formulated plans. Then it was off to spend the day with the family. An awesome day in Branson, MO with the highlight being a riverboat dinner cruise.

The Branson Belle.
Sunday; June 3: Waking up after a late night out, I managed to squeeze in about 5 miles before lightening and an oncoming storm forced the day to be done. Weather is usually not an issue with running....rain, snow, sleet, wind, cold, not too much heat, but lightening is where this ole girl draws the line. Running in hail is not an option either. Some folks find it difficult to run in the various forms of weather other than bright sunshine. Honestly, it is a mindset we have to get into to run in weather other than clear blue skies. Often times it is a matter of the right clothing and the right time of day. Personally, I draw the line at an oncoming thunderstorm with lightening and potential hail.
Summary: A great week of running with three weight lifting sessions. All systems are working well and life is good!
Total: 50.0
Total for 2012: 1313.0
Monday; May 28: Memorial Day reminds us of our freedoms and allows us to appreciate those who have served. As a pilot there have been times when we have carried a fallen soldier in the cargo hold of our aircraft. Never a pleasant experience and always a reminder to pay tribute to those who gave all of themselves.
As for running: it was a day off.
Tuesday; May 29: Up and at 'em early today with a kickoff of Lois' Muscle Challenge class at 515am. She really kicked my butt today! OUCH! Maybe it was just being tired..maybe it was too hot...maybe Lois slept well and was in rare form....OR maybe she just kicked my little butt!!!! Nevertheless, after class Traysen and I took off for a nice 10 miler. Bet Lois went and ate donuts! NOT!
Wednesday; May 30: Back to the gym for an early session of abs, shoulders and triceps. It has been awesome doing different routines in the gym. Finally getting back into the swing of weight lifting with some vigor instead of just going through the motions. Amazing how just changing the routines gives new inspiration. A brief 7.5 miler rounded out the day.
Thursday; May 31: A basic 8..5 miler.
Friday; June 1: The alarm sent me and the dogs spinning at 4am....well, we all fumbled downstairs anyway and made our way to coffee! Then off to the gym for abs, legs, and biceps! Traysen then pulled Mom through a 9 miler before I flew out to meet Jim to celebrate his parents 50th wedding anniversary. WOW! That is a long time with one person! How does she do it?
Saturday; June 2: After a decent night of sleep, Jim joined me for a late morning run. I thought he would tag along at my plodder pace for about 3 miles or so but before he knew it we had gone about 9 miles!! With lots of catching up to do, the miles and time passed quickly as we yapped and formulated plans. Then it was off to spend the day with the family. An awesome day in Branson, MO with the highlight being a riverboat dinner cruise.
The Branson Belle.
Sunday; June 3: Waking up after a late night out, I managed to squeeze in about 5 miles before lightening and an oncoming storm forced the day to be done. Weather is usually not an issue with running....rain, snow, sleet, wind, cold, not too much heat, but lightening is where this ole girl draws the line. Running in hail is not an option either. Some folks find it difficult to run in the various forms of weather other than bright sunshine. Honestly, it is a mindset we have to get into to run in weather other than clear blue skies. Often times it is a matter of the right clothing and the right time of day. Personally, I draw the line at an oncoming thunderstorm with lightening and potential hail.
Summary: A great week of running with three weight lifting sessions. All systems are working well and life is good!
Total: 50.0
Total for 2012: 1313.0
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