As we all know, there are many "diets" or "weight loss" programs on the market. From Paleo, Keto, Protein, Vegan, Atkins, Jenny Craig, Nutriystem and of course, the tried and true, Weight Watchers. And the number of books, pills, potions, notions, tucks, tightens, and puckers that are sold as the "latest and greatest" to your best body ever, age be danged. (What is this "cool sculpting anyway?)
Do any of these work? Well, possibly or probably if a person sticks with the plan? Most to all are good at making your wallet leaner if not your fanny. But does losing weight or becoming healthy or becoming fit have to be hard/complicated and expensive? Absolutely Not!
Let's look at this subject in it's simplest form: most of us know that eating refined sugar and eating saturated fat is not the way to keep a slim waist. Most of us also know that eating lean protein is a good thing. Additionally, most of us know that eating carbs is good and bad. Lastly, we also know that even a good thing that is consumed in excess quantities is probably not good. So, in it's simplest form, how do we eat to stay lean, to stay fit, to stay healthy?
It comes down to eating FOOD....just FOOD....many of the nutrition/food consumption/diet intake in the US comes from packaged products and or fast food sources. Often times, even when eating a vege/fruit dish or even a lean chicken breast dish, those natural sources of food are seasoned with products that contain "non food items." Creams, sauces, toppings, certain forms of seasoning, cooking methods can all add excess calories, sugar and saturated fat to what was a healthy source of nutrition.
Now, what do we mean by FOOD. This is Easy....vegetables, fruits and natural sources of protein. It is as simple as that. Veges of any type (even potatoes in moderation) and fruits (even avocados and bananas in limited form) are sources of good and healthy nutrition. As for clean protein, eggs, lean chicken/fish and even small amounts of beef/pork/lamb provide a source of energy that allows our bodies to maintain a healthy state. (We are not talking about grass fed, organic, gluten free or any of those subjects in this article. This is just talking about sources of FOOD.)
Personally, for several years now, I have eaten a clean diet of vegetables /fruits (cooked and raw/ seasoned with kosher salt, mustard, olive oil in small amounts or any other non sugar/fat laden spices) and clean protein of chicken breast/salmon about three times a month and eggs almost everyday ...(I buy eggs by the 60 count and sometimes two boxes; between myself and the dogs not a one goes to waste.) No grains (no bran muffins needed), no flour products, no refined sugar, very few condiments (mustard and salsa), and no red meat. My body and mind have grown used to the taste of natural foods without adding sugar, too much salt or other types of products that are not natural foods.
Now....that is not to say that I don't have a day where I eat sugary products or something with flour. About three times a month, the jelly beans or peppermints had better look out. Once a few has been munched, the body and mind are ready to go back to what is now the "normal" way of eating.
And the result? At 53 years old, the scales have not moved more 5-8 pounds in the last 25 + years and body fat stays around 12-14%. The little black dress worn to the college freshman dance (a long time ago in a land far, far away) still fits. The legs can still go run 10 miles in the early morning and then carry the rest of the body up a mountain in an afternoon hike. Doctor visits are few and far between. And sometimes at work, these funny looks come from passengers and they ask, "are you old enough to be doing this flying thing as a Captain?"
So, for this girl, the "diet" of FOOD is working and will continue to work for the foreseeable future. Does this work for everyone? Maybe not at the extreme that some of us remain, but overall, many to most people can move their consumption towards a more healthy state of veges/fruit and clean protein.
Disclaimer: Even though I am a huge proponent of eating only natural food and firmly believe many to most people can reduce or maintain their weight with more veges/fruits/clean proteins, the "diets, weight loss programs, books, pills, potions, notions, and maybe even cool sculpting have their place in helping some people reduce their weight and gain a healthy state of being and fitness. Some folks need the structure and guidance; others need the accountability, and others just need the knowledge that these diets and programs provide. Many people gain momentum from weight loss/fitness groups while other folks enjoy a competitive spirit.
So, by whatever means works, take the needed change and put your mind to get the job done. It may take trial and error but persistence will provide the reward. Nutrition does not have to be complicated; it can be a simple lifestyle either through a program of diet/weight loss, etc or just by eating FOOD.
Teton Pass, WY 2017
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