Starting a new year is always a fresh beginning with the running. Many folks set new goals, make resolutions, and vow to keep striving towards a healthy lifestyle. And while we all know that those resolutions often get tossed aside rather quickly, the fact that people recognize they need to make lifestyle changes is a step in the right direction.
So what is the difference between a new goal and a resolution? A goal keeps you focused and is specific. An example would be: "I want to run the St. Patricks Day 5k race in my hometown." An example of a resolution would be: "I want to run more." One more example we are all familiar with: "I want to lose 15 pounds by May." verses "I want to lose weight." See the difference? Setting specific goals allows us to keep the focus and determination going over the long haul.
Instead of analyzing each day this week, here is a summary. Work was in full swing this week so getting the miles in was a challenge but yet it happened. A mixture of runs with a good effort of hills repeats on Wednesday, a long run on Sunday, and two days in the gym. Energy levels were good and the perfect, cool GA weather made the running easy.
So, a good start to the new year!!!
Total miles for the week: 60.0
Total miles for 2013: 60.0
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