Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dec. 19 to Dec. 25

Christmas Week is here and with that work will be in full gear. Most folks take the two weeks around the holidays off; however, I usually choose the other routing and fly quite a bit. The mood at the airports is often "interesting" with many people hustling to get to their flights, carrying way too many bags. Kids are all over the place with way too much sugar ingested (always fun to bring them into the cockpit). As pilots we are able to steal ourselves away in the cockpit and avoid much of the confusion that sometimes ensues.
As for running, it will be a high mileage week with the 2900 goal looming.

Monday; Dec. 19th:  Well, so much for the mileage today; it was an early departure out of Orange County and then a full day of flying with the ending commute.

Tuesday; Dec. 20th:  An odd and short day of running with only 3 miles! It happens sometimes due to time restraints.

Wednesday; Dec. 21st:  Down to the gym for abs, chest, and triceps; an added bonus is wall squats. Three sets of 2 minutes each. These are very effective at tightening up the quads and glutes. Out the door for a great 12 miler. Traysen was being a lazy boy so it was a solo outing starting at 615am, not quite daylight, not quite dark.

Thursday; Dec. 22nd: It's going to be a white Christmas at this house! Woke up to a few inches of fresh powder and it was still coming down nicely. After enough coffee, Traysen and I were out the door for a perfectly snowy 9 miler. With the looming holidays and the snow, we encountered only two cars along the dirt roads, several deer (aka: squirrels with antlers), and an assortment of birds and cotton tail squirrels.
It seems as though the running has renewed energy lately. Not sure of the full reasoning, but it is a welcome component. Could be the goal of 2900 miles looming; could be the idea of the 100k in the Spring;could be a slight shift in diet (over the last few months, I have reduced the sugar intake as much as possible; amazing where that little white powder hangs out!!)  could be the running Gods are shining on little Missy Sarah....?

Flying Pie Ranch with a fresh layer of snow.

Friday; Dec. 23rd: With a commute ahead, it was down to the basement quite early for legs and abs. Then out the door...slowly out the door...it was about -12 degrees! Traysen opted to hang out with the wiener dogs so it was a solo run. A nice 9 miler was the order  of the day. It is amazing how much energy it takes to run in the extreme cold!

Saturday; Dec 24th: Being Christmas Eve, where else would I be except working? Actually, it's by choice because I could easily bid the time off but choose to fly. Hopefully by me flying it allows another pilot with young kids to be at home; plus it is usually a fun and pleasant atmosphere around the airports during the holidays...Waking up in Salt Lake, it was to the treadmill for a quick 6 miler and then off to work. The treadmill was actually a welcome relief to the cold, hills, and altitude of home!

Sunday; Dec. 25th: Merry Christmas!!! Waking up in Atlanta at the folks house, I was out the door early for a drizzly 6 miler. Running in the southeast in December is a nice relief from the already cold temps of Colorado; shorts and long sleeve t shirt are the order of the day.
A full day of flying will yield a tired runner girl tonight. Working the holidays goes with working for the airlines and I honestly don't mind.

Mom and Dad's in Atlanta. My childhood home.

Summary:  Wrapping up the week with 46 miles. I am now 38 miles away from the goal of 2900 miles for the year and there is one week to go! Barring any  issues, getting the mileage in this week should be almost a no brainer.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Three Month Update

After becoming a bit bored myself with my own blog, I decided it was time for a break from posting. So, now a few months after the last post and after much prompting from a few different sources, gon4run will be resurrected from the dead!

As for the running in the last few months, not much has changed....which is a good thing...The miles have continued, the weight lifting has continued, the desire to run has actually increased, and life on the trails and road has been good. There have been no injuries to speak of and no  real health issues that have caused any concerns. As of this writing, the yearly mileage stands at 2820.5. With another 11 days to run in the year, getting another 80 miles in should be a piece of cake. This will round the year out with an even 2900 miles and will be the most miles run in one year.  And now that I have made it public knowledge where all of the mileage stands, one of the overall purposes of this blog has come full circle. I am now held accountable to outside sources to complete the mileage for the year.

Traysen and Mom hiking Barr Trail this past fall. To say that it was warm was an understatement.

And so, without further procrastination, another post from gon4run hits the Internet and I will continue informing all of you who have been so wonderful in your support. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life who care and hold our connections close. thank you...