Monday, March 7, 2011

Feb. 28 to March 6

Can't believe it's March already. Daffodils are blooming (somewhere in the south) and the  days are getting longer. And of course, gas prices are going up.....seems this little manipulation is pulled by some president, et. all every few years....anyhow, don't get me going on politics...

Corresponding with a few running buddies finds some on the injured reserve list. My good friend, Lori, is having quite a bought with Plantar Facistis and almost running legend, Tony Krupicka is having a melt down after a 100 miler a few weeks ago. In Tony's case, overtraining would appear to be the culprit, but with multiple issues that appeared quickly after a race, he is not leaning in that direction. In Lori's case, the dreaded PF usually points the finger to the runner who has bad form, bad shoes, etc, but she is not leaning in these directions. So, what then, causes the body to revolt and develop aches/pains that limit our running? If I knew that answer, I could retire from flying! Only common sense indicates that it is our body's way of saying, "it is time to back off." Or the issues could truly come from over training or bad form/bad shoes, etc. Unfortunately, it is up to the individual to be completely in tune with his/her body and determine the cause and thus the fix. Most likely the hardest part is to take the time/effort to assess the issues and determine the cause and then the fix, all the while remaining frustrated with each passing day of not running.

Monday; Feb. 28:  Out the door just right at daylight, it was a lively effort of 11 mile in just over 2 hours. Even after weight  lifting legs yesterday, there was plenty of pep in the step and even though I was not trying, the run was strong, even on the hills. After a quick shower, Jim and I were back out the door and up to Hooiser Pass for some snowshoeing. Two hours of climbing/descending in untracked powder left us tired and appreciative of where we live. Amazingly beautiful, although a bit windy, we had perfect views of Quandry, Bross and Lincoln, all 14ers.

Bross and Lincoln are off to the left and Quandry off to the right.

The hills behind Jim show just how windy it was! Luckily, the trees sheltered us at times during the hike.

Tuesday; March 1:  With work looming in the afternoon, it was out the door just before dog, no husband...just me, the critters and a headlamp! After a 3.5 mile warmup, it was 3 hill repeats and an easy cool down for a total of 6 miles. These hill repeats are way darn hard! Sucking air, heaving chest and hands on the knees by the time I reach the end of each one...but the effort will pay off! Remember: It's the overall consistency that makes the progress!

Above link shows the .31 hill repeat route and elevation.

Wednesday; March 2: Waking up in Reno this morning after a late night of flying. These lazy mornings are a refreshing treat, especially since this layover is 31 hours!!! Off  I go and down the river...the Truckee River that is....always an interesting outing here with the mental institution close by the trail and unknown "creatures" along the river banks. An easy out n back of 11 miles in just over two hours. I was hoping to hit the gym but with a $10 fee those plans were nixed.

Thursday; March 3:   The ole early morning departure, flying til 4pm, and then long commute home makes for a day off from running....which can be frustrating because the whole day is spent sitting in an airplane on my behind! That is most likely one of the reasons the first day home after a trip is always a slog fest for running....the ole bones are stiff and feeling lethargic! On the other hand, that airplane sitting pays the bills and allows for some significant time off from work..which allows for great running!!!

Friday; March 4th: Out the door with Traysen by 630am. Not too bad of a 6 miler, being the first day home.  Not only are the days getting longer, but the mornings are warmer and the birds are chirping!
Over the last few days some running girlfriends have been chatting about the compression tights/leggings and how those benefit the recovery process. From, I found this info:

SKINS are designed to increase the flow of oxygen to muscles. We achieve this in two key ways:
Gradient Compression
SKINS gradient compression has been engineered to provide the correct level of surface pressure to specific body parts, enhancing circulation and delivering more oxygen to active muscles. Improved circulation also helps to eliminate lactic acid build-up and other metabolic wastes so you can go harder for longer and recover faster.

So, do they work? Well, many folks are saying their recoveries from hard workouts are much faster and their injury levels have diminished greatly. Personally, I have not tried these gadgets and with a "old school" attitude towards running, I most likely will not try them. Also, along with my "old school" mentality, I am a frugal airline pilot who squeezes a penny dry and most likely  am not willing to fork out the bucks. (The bucks usually go toward something dog sending a dorkus in the show ring when he isn't ready or doesn't want to be there...a complete waste of time and $$$!) All of this brings the thought processes to this: What is that we really need to run/exercise? Well, not much....some comfy clothes, some decent shoes that support our feet, a bit of effort, both mentally and physically and a bit of time....and out the door we go! Now, I am not saying that all of these new gee wheeezzzz gadgets are not handy or that do not do what they claim....many of the new gadgets do help in performance, in recovery, in injury prevention, or even just the give the user the mental boost that may be needed. BUT....for those folks that just want to  benefit from some exercise...running, biking, walking, whatever....keep it simple...the comfy clothes and shoes and off you go! As for those nut cases such ole Sarah...maybe many of these new gadgets would improve my performance or allow my body to recover quicker, but being a purist and an "old school" runner, I will stick to my cotton running clothes, basic boat size New Balance long distance trainers, and a healthy dose of ibuprofen! As for all you techno geeks or those that just like the latest/newest gadget, please give 'em a try and let the rest of us know your may just the thing that we all need to improve our fitness! more thing on the "old school" style of running....back in the day ....while running marathons, most of us only took in water! No gels, no gatorades, no lunch on the trail....just water from paper cup at the aid station and no stopping to drink it either....!!!! You just splashed what you could into your mouth and kept going!

Saturday; March 5th:  Up n at 'em early today. To the basement for some weight lifting of chest, shoulders and abs and then out the door...without Traysen...he is becoming one lazy boy! (I guess I am the nut case in the family!) A cool morning for a 12 miler. Nothing spectacular, just a nice n easy trot while battling the latest round of a chest cold...seems the darn thing will never go away and according to the doc, it is chronic bronchitis....and she says I shouldn't run in the cold! Oh that's too ...not running....and not running in the cold...She does have a sense of humor! Anyhow, a dose of advair and the lungs return to a functioning state. Maybe I fried my lungs while running on a sub zero morning?

Sunday; March 6th: Lynne and I had a great outing in Cheyenne Mtn State Park this morning. Training for the 25K/50K  in April, we embarked on the race course; covering the 15 mile loop in about 3 hours. Lynne is on the comeback trail and one lap around was good for her. When some "life" hit last fall, she was getting stronger by the run and her hard efforts of long hilly miles were really paying off. A bit of a rest with tending to  family has served to renew her spirit and she is ready to challenge herself once again. As I have mentioned before, sometimes "life" does get in the way of our running and it is often these times when we need our running/exercise the most. It is important to note that when those moments of "life" involve taking care of family, we sons/wives/daughters/moms/sisters/brothers/husbands are more than willing to forego our individual passions (such as running) in order to do what is most important....that is, take care of our family. Lynne handled her moment of "life" perfectly...she had her priorities in order and took care of her family but at the same time, she continued to take care of herself. Even though her running (and stress relief, mental outlet) was drastically reduced, she continued to keep up some running/walking/exercise  and now she is able to easily return to her former level of training.
After Lynne departed, I continued on for another 7 miles, exploring a few trails to the west. This was a good effort and the run served to boost the confidence for the upcoming weeks of increasing mileage.

Summary: A nice week of running but with only one weight lifting session. Luckily, at this moment, no aches/pains to speak of and the ole bones are feeling strong. Total miles this week was 67.0 and that brings the yearly total to 511.0

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