Monday; May 21: Waking up in one of my favorite places on earth, Bozeman, Mt, it was out the door for a late morning 10 miler. Amazing how green the hills have become this early in the summer season. Oddly enough, even at 4200 feel MSL, the lungs were working perfectly and it was an easy chug up the trail in the StoryHills section. The highlight of this run was the assortment of cows along the trail. They are a friendly bunch and virtually ignore me running past them at less than 20 feet away. Well....there was this one guy....luckily, he was quite interested in the girl cow and had not need for the Badass Psycho Bunny!
"Hey.... Girl Cow....Lookin' mighty fine in that black coat there Missy..."
Did ya'll know that a bull/boy cow can grunt like an elk in rut?
Tuesday; May 22: The early departure from Bozeman, a full day of flying and then....THE LAST COMMUTE!!!!! This was the last time I have to commute from base to home!!!! Woooo Hoooo!!!!! for was a day off.
Wednesday; May 23: Sleeping in til about 7am, picking up dogs at Grandma's , and just the usual tiredness after the 20 hour day before yielded a very simple 6 miler. And it was hot...
Thursday; May 24: Getting it somewhat together, a nice 8 miler was the order of the day. Some hills, some dirt, a few squirrels, Traysen and I blazed through Peachtree City with the greatest of ease. Then off to Gitmo!!! Really!!!! As in in where the trial for the 911 masterminds is being held. What tha? Seriously, it was uneventful flying into/out of Gitmo. Hauled military personnel working on the trial. We didn't get shot down so it appears we did all the procedures correctly!!
Guantanamo Naval Air Station.
Friday; May 25: A short night of sleep yielded a short run but at least there was a run! The quick 6 miler was mostly in the dark and then it was off to work and Mexico City.
Saturday; May 26: After hanging out at the Veterans 5k race in Peachtree City, a hot...and I mean really hot!! 9 miler was in store. Summer has arrived in the southeast.
Sunday; May 27: Well rested and ready for a good long run today! Traysen and I headed just before daylight for the first 7 miles on the trails. Once we had enough daylight, the object was to spend as little time as possible on the pavement and stay on the dirt as much as possible. He thought Mom had completely lost it when she bolted through various sections of woods, grasses, yards and whatever else got in the way. With the temps climbing, Traysen bailed at the halfway mark at the house and ole Mom went back out for a steamy 7 more miles! It was a blast staying off the pavement and spending most the run jumping tree roots, dog piles, and other debris.
Summary: While a great week of running, it was not so good on the weight lifting. It happens....we have to keep telling ourselves that most of us have not made a dime with our exercise/fitness/running,weight lifting passion and sometimes life and work just get in the way of maintaining a perfectly consistent schedule. The key is to keep trying and when a setback does happen, we just have to pick up where we left off and press on.
Total miles: 53.0
Total miles for 2012: 1213.0