In Atlanta all week with the folks will prove to be a great time for some good mileage on the trails in Peachtree City, Ga. Since Savanna, the Tart Dachshund, is showing for 4 days a few of those runs will have to be afternoon events, which is not a bad thing.
Monday; Jan. 30: A day off was in order since it was a late night arrival from Ocala, FL.
Tuesday; Jan 31: Out the door early near the house for an 8 miler. A bit sluggish, it was still nice to get out in the early morning cool air. Traysen had a great time barking at numerous squirrels, squirrels with antlers, and a few passing bicycles!
Wednesday; Feb. 1: Time for a long run of 22 miles!! Out the door well before daylight and leaving Traysen at home with the grandparents, it was a parking lot start at Braelinn Village. (no headlamp or flashlight) Once there was just enough daylight, to the trails and many wonderful miles of bliss! The routing took me south for quite a distance, wandering around the outskirts of a few subdivisions, through some woods, and finally back to the car for some water at about the 15 mile mark. (no water bottle holder or camel back). Downing the H2O, back to the trails and ending the effort with an hour on the Stinky Trail! No kidding, that is the name! No, it was not stinky! It was actually very beautiful and full of rocks, tree roots, leaves, and a few small hills! I had read about this trail and wanted to give it a try; it was pure trail heaven! Overall, a nice long effort but not as much energy as I had hoped.
The Stinky Trail in Peachtree City, GA; honestly, it did not stink!
Thursday; Feb. 2: With dog showing today, out the door way before daylight. Traysen opted to sleep in again so it was solo AND in the dark! Once there was enough light so as not to bust the face, off to the trails it was! A wonderful 13 mile outing that went quite well. I am learning how to run on the side of the cart paths, in the dirt, leaves, rock, roots, and hopping the occasional dog droppings. This part of the country just doesn't have the vast mileage of dirt trails that Colorado is known for, but luckily, I can make it work in Peachtree City by running the few dirt trails available and then resorting to running along side the paved cart paths.
These paths are over 100 miles in length!
Friday; Feb. 3rd: With Savanna, the longhair mini dachshund, showing early, it was an afternoon run with Traysen. A nice cloud cover kept us somewhat cool as well as our romp through the bike trails near the Hwy 74 Soccer/Baseball Complex. An odd assortment of trail that winds around itself about 4 times to cover only about 2.5 miles! Needless to say, we loved the dirt, rocks, and tree roots and after 2 laps or so, we opted to run the empty soccer and baseball fields. A nice 8 miler.
Saturday; Feb. 4th: Again, with dog showing early, Traysen and I were out on the trails (paved paths today) around the hottest part of the day, about 1pm! Oddly enough, even with us cold weather souls, it was an awesome run on a beautiful day. An easy 10 miler with a couple of stops at the ponds for Traysen to cool off.
Sunday; Feb. 5th: With the last day of dog showing in Atlanta, it was out the door at almost daylight for a misty, cool , humid 9 miler. Traysen opted to hang out with his Grandma and scarf as many treats as he could. Even though it is February, the afternoon was warm and very sunny...can't ask for better weather in the middle of winter.
Summary: An awesome week of running in the Atlanta area with some dirt, some paved paths, some rocks and tree roots....and there was that one tick!!! YUCK! Yes, those little bug things that dogs get was stuck to ole Sarah.....ewwwww!!!!
Total miles for the week: 70.0
Total miles for 2012: 292.0
The Dork and his Mom!